Month: May 2023

Story of Her Uncertain Beginning to Graduating 18 Years Later

In honor of all graduating students, I share a family story about my niece’s uncertain beginning into this world. This story came into being because of a job opportunity. I was required to demonstrate my writing skills by sharing an original sample. It was for a marketing and communications position for a hospital system, so it had to focus on health care and it could be personal. So, I wrote about what I knew. Like most writers do.

My younger sister, Kim, then 23, was going through a medical rough patch and we were all rallying around her in support. That was 18 years ago. The account I share here is unchanged from the original. That’s important to me because I want to ensure that the integrity of the words capture how we felt during my sister’s high-risk pregnancy carrying my niece, Emily.

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Spring into Action: Review and Reset Your Annual Goals

Don’t you love spring and how it entices you with anticipation, optimism and renewal? How the longer, warmer days encourage you get outdoors, connect with nature and embrace your world? This is why I find spring to be an opportune time to review your annual goals, check your lists twice (or thrice!) and re-evaluate your achievements. And once that’s done, move some of your unfulfilled 2023 priorities to the top of your goals list.

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