
Ode to Dads to Celebrate Their Wisdom on Father’s Day

Updated June 17, 2023

For Father’s Day, I share a poem I wrote for my Dad for his 75th birthday, an inspired idea suggested as a unique gift from a former boss and mentor. Now, eight years later, I realize this ode to him is actually more of a gift to myself. It gives me time to pause and appreciate my Dad.

Dad and I on a kayaking outing

I’m not sure if these words will resonate with you not knowing my dad, but let me tell you a bit about him. An introvert all his life, calling himself bashful, he is a gentle man and deep thinker, an accidental philosopher actually, who loves being connected to nature and spending time outdoors.

Growing up, my father was the person we flocked to talk through our issues during times of trouble, especially when my mother was at her wits end, or when we needed sound advice. He counseled me through many trying times. Always patient, never angry or judgmental and often humorous to the point of downright silly, his wisdom has carried me throughout my life.

So, with that, let me share my poem about my Dad on Father’s Day as a gesture to celebrate all the dads out there. I offer you this as inspiration to honor the special men in your heart today and beyond.  

To My Dad: Your Journey of Wisdom

Like a warm spring day after a harsh winter
We flourish in your presence
With your few but so meaningful words
Your wisdom and messages help guide us

Like how the moon changes every day
You are a beacon always there, seen or unseen
Teaching us to allay our insecurities, find our place
And with hard work, opportunities will come

Like the wonder of a rare rainbow
That is fleeting, captivating and exhilarating
Like you, it engages our sense of adventure
To have fun and enjoy the special moments

Like the glow of a crimson sunset
Your light shines bright within us
It warms us with your smile, your soft laugh
Your humor calms our fears and worries

Like a river where water runs deep
Your introspection and integrity ground us
To strive to be honest and humble
To embrace a decent and honorable life

Like the stars that illuminate the night sky
Your appreciation of simple but significant things
Too often overlooked or taken for granted
Helps us see beyond chaos and what matters

Like a dignified mature oak tree
That extends its limbs in a comforting embrace
We know we can find ourselves in your heart
Just as you can find yourself in ours

READ MORE MUSINGS: If you like this post, check out the Musings page to to read about life, family and goals. In addition, see the Mother’s Day musing about counting blessings as a “bonus” mom.

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27 thoughts on “Ode to Dads to Celebrate Their Wisdom on Father’s Day

  1. Such a lovely poem. I wish to be a truly loving, encouraging, pragmatic and practical dad for my kids. So happy that you’ve had an awesome dad for yourself!

  2. I love the poem. Dads are very important, and it’s amazing they have this special celebration. Great photo! Looks like you were having a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing this useful post!

  3. Such a sweet poem! I always admired people who had a gift for poetry. The line below made me think of my dad.

    With your few but so meaningful words
    Your wisdom and messages help guide us

  4. Aww this is so beautiful and heartfelt! I’m sure your dad loved this! Very vulnerable of you to share it. Well done 🙂

  5. I hadn’t read this one before. Just beautiful. A great tribute to your dad and to the wonderful person he raised. ❤️

  6. This poem is spot on and can describe many dads including mine. Thanks for sharing your poem. Can I share it?

  7. Magnificent! This is my favorite of all your blog posts. I loved this poem when you wrote it and I love it more now. How fortunate are we to have our Dad! Love you, my sister!

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