2024 goals

Shape Your Annual Goals into Happiness and Success

For inspiration … Take a look back on my goal planning from last year!

Before I get ahead of myself, let me explain my process with defining my goals that has evolved over the past few years. Now, I commit my goals in writing and track them in a daily journal. I no longer make New Year’s resolutions. In my experience, resolutions are usually short lived, unsuccessful and frustrating.

How I Got Started

First, I started out with a Commit30 daily planner two years ago, which has made such an enormously positive impact on my life. It’s helped me be more organized and accountable to attaining my goals – from health, gratitude, happiness and personal successes.

Journals for goal tracking
I love the fun colors of my Commit30 planners, and look forward to breaking in the marigold one!

Then, last year, I did a two-part goal planning process through a one-word theme word and list of goals, thanks to inspiration from Gretchen Rubin, well-known author of the Happiness Project. I found this process an incredibly helpful way to assess my goals and hope you will too! Check out my post: New Year, Even Better You? Prioritize Your 2023 Goals!

Learn more about Gretchen’s one-word themes and 24 for 24 through her Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcasts co-hosted with her sister Elizabeth Craft, TV series producer, screenwriter and an executive producer! You’ll be glad you did!

Choose Your One-Word Theme

To me, my theme word for the year is truly the cherry on the top for goal planning. What you need to do is figure out a word or short phrase that distills what you envision to achieve. I like to find a word that has multiple meanings or symbolism that helps keep me engaged and encouraged to stay on track.

Last year my word was stride. It was exactly what I needed, and I thought it helped me define my year. In summary, I chose it because I wanted to: walk more, take things in stride better, pace myself with attaining goals, and it represented being outdoors and connecting with nature.

Why ‘Dandelion’ Became My Theme Word

I struggled with my 2024 theme word. In the end, it was the visual image in my mind that morphed into my word: dandelion. I was zeroed on “light” words, including lightness and lighter, thinking something that was opposite to weight, weighty and heavy. I wanted a word with a sense of airiness to it.

Hello! Then it dawned on me: The image of a dandelion seed head blowing into the wind became my visual symbol.

This visual symbol evokes my 2024 goals!

The dandelion represents strength and resilience, which I’ll carry with me as I focus on becoming lighter in body and mind. Like the dandelion that can bounce back from adversity, I need to focus on physical wellness and successfully change bad habits.

While dandelions are a yard nuisance, they’ll serve as a friendly reminder from nature when I yank the weeds from my yard! I’m sure I won’t mind this chore as much this year as it resonates with achieving my 2024 goals and the sense of lightness I’m seeking. 

Create Your 24 for 24 List

Last year, I committed to a list of 23 goals in my journal, and I’m happy to report that I completed 15 of 23. Not too shabby! Gretchen and Elizabeth each achieved 15 out of 23, so I’ll consider my outcome a success since they’ve been doing this for many years!

Some I’ll carry over again like organizing and purging the utility room! Some are in progress, such as healthier living and my blog work. Some fun and whimsical goals will be replaced; I swapped making homemade pasta with mastering pie crust!

I found myself bucketing my 2024 goals which will nicely tie in with the 12 categories of my Commit30 planner including: physical and spiritual/mental health, personal growth, relationships, career, home, pure joy/fun and adventure/travel. And unlike other years, I plan to assign goals by the month whenever I can rather than getting overwhelmed at the start of the year. Some I’ll build upon over the year; others I’ll check off the list and move on. Starting out the year, of course, I’ll focus on physical health, probably one that’s on most of our lists.

The Write Challenge

I’m also joining Gretchen and Elizabeth’s 24 in 24 Challenge to write more. I have to admit that sometimes my daily journal tracking does get away from me and I’m catching up for several days at a time; and unfortunately, I do miss some details. So, more consistency with writing in my journal and blogging tops my list, along with finally reading The Artist’s Way to learn about the practice of morning pages.

My purple T-shirt proclaims my 2024 goal to write on!

Don’t Despair; You’ve Got a Year!

You don’t need to rush into the process of setting your 2024 goals for January 1. This process is not the same as setting New Year’s resolutions that go by the wayside a month or even few weeks into the new year. Take your time to mull over what your priorities are and by recording them, you can put them into action. If you can define your goals by the end of January, you’ll be in good shape to execute them through the year.

Remember: You can start small and limit your goals to a simple list or even your theme word or phrase. Journaling isn’t for everyone. If it’s too much to commit to, I suggest that you start off by sketching your thoughts in a plain journal or notebook OR track on your computer in a Word document, Excel spreadsheet or even via notes on your phone. There are also online planners to try, but I personally like the accountability of writing it down.

I wish you all a healthy, joyful and inspirational year ahead. May you find great success with achieving your 2024 goals! 

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59 thoughts on “Shape Your Annual Goals into Happiness and Success

  1. LOVE the 24 in 24 concept. I absolutely believe in the power of physically writing down your goals, it has helped me so much in the past!

    And love your word of the year. Mine this year is “Celebrate.” I started my blog last year and wasn’t very good about sharing even my small wins with others (or myself, really!), so this year I want to vocalize and celebrate milestones and wins! And find things to celebrate and make each day special.

  2. Hey! Loved this post! Very helpful. I love the idea on a word theme of the year. We are almost 2 weeks in and I don’t have one yet. I am setting a goal to have one by the weekend 🙂

  3. This was inspiring to read! So often I push myself to set bigger goals and hit my milestones on time that I end up burning out. Thanks for the reminder that it’s ok to take it one step at a time. 🙂

  4. I love that image of the dandelion seeds blowing in the wind! I also choose a theme-word every year. This year my word is “fearlessness.” I aim to be more adventurous.

  5. I’ve never thought about choosing a one-word theme and sticking to it. That sounds like an excellent idea!

  6. Dandelion is such a great choice! I think my word will be “Evolve,” as 2024 will be the year I change many things about my life. My career, my health, and hopefully my relationships!

  7. I love The Happiness Project! Dandelion is a perfect word to use. My theme word is sapling because it bends and flows in the breeze, but doesn’t break.

  8. I know for me my happiness goals will be to complete projects like organizing and decluttering my space. That really makes me happy. I like to keep to do list handy. It’s something about writing things down. It helps me to focus.

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