Musings, Travel & Excursions

Checking Off My ‘Fun List’ on Family Trip to St. Maarten

An arial view of Philipsburg.

Vacations have a way to provide perspective about your life and how you spend your time. My recent getaway on the island of St. Maarten/St. Martin gave me the pleasure to check off to-dos under my 2022 goals. Most significantly, I consider myself fortunate to cross off items under the Pure Joy/Fun and Adventure/Travel categories in my Commit30 planner. Allow me to elaborate briefly on three goals in this pictorial post.

I promise to share my recommendations for taking a family trip to this very special island. Soon!

Goal 1: Family Vacation to St. Maarten

St. Maarten/St. Martin, a two-nation Caribbean island (half Dutch and half French), is my happy place to unwind and recharge, so of course, it’s always on my travel list. My husband and I try to visit once a year; sometimes we’ll go twice, depending on other trips we may have planned.

Last year, we did our first family trip with my stepdaughters and their families staying on the Dutch side in St. Maarten, which was truly the highpoint of 2021. It was much needed break in our COVID-19 cocoon world. This year, the trip was just as wonderful in all respects – being on the island and being together. Hope you enjoy a few snaps of local scenes below.

We found a fun bar in Philipsburg on a quiet day with no cruise ships in port.
Maho Beach is a favorite and famous spot to watch the planes landing.
As the day winds down in Grand Case, the restaurants prepare for their dinner crowd.
Goal 2: Beach/Being on the Water

Like so many of us, being on the water beckons us, especially the ocean. The beaches on St. Maarten/St. Martin are stunning with spectacular topography and views of nearby islands. My favorite time on the beach is when it’s quiet, such as early or late in the day, when I can claim an interlude on my own. Check out some water scenes:

Waves crash in the foreground with Saba making an appearance in the distance.
Off on a water adventure with my granddaughter on Orient Bay.
Early morning rainbow from where we stayed.
From the cliffs in the Beacon Hill neighborhood with a view of St. Eustatius in the distance.
Our beach under the glow of a full moon.
Goal 3: Special Time with Grandkids

Quality time with my littles brings me pure joy and that was my favorite part of the trip. I chronicled time spent with the grandkids – Lily, 8, Matteo, 6, and Joe, 5 – with photos and notes in my journal. I hope some of these photos will illustrate the joy of our time together.

Big smiles with Matteo on a beach day to Orient Bay.
Lily and I pose for a selfie under on a moonlit evening.
Grandsons and Mémé pose for a selfie.
Joe embraces a new day welcoming the sunrise.
Caught in the act of setting up a selfie while taking in the sunrise.
Reaching Goals for Happiness

To wrap up this post, I ask you to contemplate: What brings you pure joy? What adventures are on your wish list this year? It might seem silly, but just jotting down some “happiness” goals helps you commit to fulfilling them, no matter how big or small. 

As the expression goes: Life is short. Book the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake.

TAKE A TRIP TO ST. MAARTEN/ST. MARTIN: Check out my post on seven reasons why to take a vacay to this island destination!

5 thoughts on “Checking Off My ‘Fun List’ on Family Trip to St. Maarten

  1. I loves your goals! We need to include fun and happiness when thinking about goals. The pictures are wonderful, thanks for sharing.

  2. Reading your blog is so calming and enjoyable, Laurie. This is my favorite by far. The pictures are lovely. ☺️

  3. Beautiful recap and pictures Laurie !! For a minute, it made me feel like I was there again. Thanks!! ❤️

  4. Love this! Thanks for sharing your special place! I have to get there some day. The memories you’re making with never be forgotten by your grandkids!

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