
Finding My Holiday Mojo; Plan What Makes You Happy 

Looking back at the holiday season from last year, I thought this blog post was worth resharing. Perhaps it’ll help inspire you as you prioritize what’s most important and how you spend your time. I can only hope I’ll look back at the end of this season and feel the same sense of holiday contentment as I did last year!

Originally Posted December 22, 2022

As the days lead up to Christmas, I reflect on how my approach to this holiday season was better planned than other years. I decided in advance I wouldn’t run myself ragged over the holidays as is often the case. Instead, I wanted to take a breath this year, savor more moments rather than booking my schedule solid.

Perhaps I can say this is a silver lining and blessing learned through our isolation with the earlier years of the pandemic. When I started to put a holiday to-do list together, I realized I had defined my 2022 holiday goals thanks to a process I adopted all year through using my Commit30 planner.

Laurie Holiday Mojo
I pretend to warm up over a painted wooden flame at Snowport in Boston.

When you think of the holidays, what activities beckon you? Do you want to spend more time with family and friends? Participate in festive activities? Attend events and gatherings? Spend more time in the kitchen? Volunteer? Get out on the slopes? What makes this time of the year extra special to you? Let me tell you how I prioritized my favorite things this holiday season.

Wrap Things Up Early

I learned this by default. One year, my husband invited me to join him for a business meeting in Boston just before Christmas, which happened to coincide around the time of my December birthday. Since then, we now take a few days off to observe my birthday, which is five days before Christmas. Not only do I get to enjoy my birthday (which I had accepted being a blip on the radar so close to Christmas); I get to soak up the little joys of Christmas.

As a result, this now puts a deadline on gift shopping and wrapping. Plus, I get a few days to recharge with my husband, walk miles around the city and fully enjoy the season taking in the lights and sights. I highly recommend this to all; even if it’s just one night away or daytrip to have a holiday oasis. This year, I finished up shopping and wrapping by December 17 … well except for a few little things arriving late that will slip handily into gift bags!

Surrounded by city lights walking around Boston Common.
Holiday mojo Boston Lights
What Makes You Holiday Happy?

I made the decision to be a more active versus “organic” planner to carve out holiday activities with my grandkids. While they’re still little – my granddaughter is almost 9 and grandsons 6 – I want to hold onto these special moments. They’re busier every passing year with their activities and they and I won’t get this time back. And really, don’t we all miss being a kid without a care in the world especially during this magical time?

Through the eyes of children, we gain perspective of what’s important. I make it a point to plan to include grandkids in my traditions and make new ones together. Plus, they make holiday tasks so much fun when helping with decorating, baking and crafts. I know the memories of this time will stay with me throughout the year, and hopefully for many Christmases to come.

Lily Christmas Mojo
Lily helps decorate the tree.
Joe Holiday mojo making spritz
Joe poses with bowls of fun-colored spritz cookie dough ready for decorating.
Holiday Mojo Matteo makes dry rub
Matteo shows off the finished product of homemade dry rub. See post and recipes.
Don’t Try to Squeeze Everything In

In the past, our holiday dance card was like the 12 Days of Christmas assigned with one get-together after another leading up to Christmas. Not sure about you, but I thought it was important to have a personal touch base with all the special people in my life before Christmas. Why when there’s a whole new year just looming ahead?!

I liked this wall where visitors could share their wishes. If you could use only one word, what would you chalk in as yours?

This year more than ever, we staggered gatherings with family and friends from Thanksgiving and into the New Year. And instead of swapping gifts, we’re investing in spending time together. I don’t know about you, but I’m still catching up with some friends as a result of COVID-19, so an evening dedicated to spend time together is priceless.

Now, rather than bouncing from one dinner or party to the next, we’re proactively planning our time to enjoy special gatherings with friends while balancing time in between to enjoy what matters: Our home, family and holiday activities. And maybe even a few Hallmark movies!

Happy Holidays to you all! I wish you all a healthy and happy year ahead where the magic of the holidays can extend into the New Year!

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22 thoughts on “Finding My Holiday Mojo; Plan What Makes You Happy 

  1. I love this and totally agree with the advice you share! Planning early and intentionally planning are so helpful for the holiday season. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hey Laurie! 🎄 What a heart-warming trip down holiday memory lane. The idea of wrapping things up early is genius — giving yourself the gift of time to soak in the festive vibes is pure magic. Cheers to making more cherished memories!

  3. Fantastic tips! Last year I crammed all the holiday fun into the last two weeks, and it was exhausting. I’m going to implement this slower approach moving forward. Thank you!

  4. Enjoyed reading this. Like you, I am not trying to run myself ragged. I actually turned down an engagement this weekend to focus on more important things. I am living a stress-free Christmas this year.

  5. Love the idea of slowing down around the holidays instead of trying to shop too late or cram too many things in that don’t make you happy. Happy Birthday! I hope you and your family have a wonderful rest of the holiday season. 😊

  6. I always want to spend time with my loved ones during the festive season. This gives me a great opportunity to connect and catch up with all of them.

  7. This post I missed probably because I was down with Covid! Such great holiday hacks. I’m going to try to be more like this next year.

  8. Love this! I agree. The best part is the activities and the events versus all the spending. You make me want to do it all over again. Nice blog!

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